The Heartland Review Press publishes 2 journals titled The Heartland Review per year and when funds permit 1 poetry chapbook.  The Heartland Review literary journal is published in the late spring (around Mother's Day) and late fall (between Thanksgiving and Christmas).

We have free open calls in fiction & creative nonfiction twice a year. The guidelines can be found here:

Each fall we have the Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize, which has an entry fee. Winners of this are published in the spring edition of our journal. For more information and guidelines, click here 

If you have questions, please contact us at 

This project is open to all ECTC students.  

This is a free open call. Because we do not charge for submission, there is not a monetary payment for this contest.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Submit 1 piece of fiction up to 5000 words, one piece of creative nonfiction up to 5000 word OR 1-3 pieces of poetry. We do not read fantasy, medieval, sci-fi, vampire novels or fan fiction.
  2. Submissions must be in a Word compatible file (.docx, .doc, and .rtf). PDFs will not be read.
  3. The Word file must be double spaced uniformly in MLA format. Single spaced entries will not be read. Do not put in extra spaces or have double with single spacing. Do ​not insert your own "enters" at the end of each line. Ensure Word wraps the text automatically. Use left align, not justification.
  4. Submittable will request authors to compose a short cover letter and biography. The bio should be 30-40 words and include contact information along with your original creative work.
  5. The file name should include the date (year and month) and the author’s name. For example, 2018_6_John Smith. This helps us keep the files organized. Do not label the files with our name; we know who we are.

All entries must be original works by the entrant, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters, or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification.  Excessive violence or sex and the use of profane, vulgar, racist or offensive words, determined by the judges, will result in the story being rejected.

Writers under the age of 18 can submit but will need to have our special form notarized by their guardian before we can publish the work or we can hold it until the writer is 18.  There is a notary at your local bank which is often free, and there is a notary on campus. There is a place on our website where you can request the form:  

After you create a Submittable account and submit your work, you will receive an email from us letting you know that you submitted successfully.  Once we pull your work to review it, you will receive another email letting you know of that your work is in progress.  Then you will receive a final email informing you of the disposition (accept/decline). If we have questions, we'll be in touch with you via email through Submittable.

We look forward to reading your work!  

Amy Fox-Angerer

This project is open to all ECTC students.  

This is a free open call. Because we do not charge for submission, there is not a monetary payment for this contest.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Submit 1 piece of fiction up to 5000 words, one piece of creative nonfiction up to 5000 word OR 1-3 pieces of poetry. We do not read fantasy, medieval, sci-fi, vampire novels or fan fiction.
  2. Submissions must be in a Word compatible file (.docx, .doc, and .rtf). PDFs will not be read.
  3. The Word file must be double spaced uniformly in MLA format. Single spaced entries will not be read. Do not put in extra spaces or have double with single spacing. Do ​not insert your own "enters" at the end of each line. Ensure Word wraps the text automatically. Use left align, not justification.
  4. Submittable will request authors to compose a short cover letter and biography. The bio should be 30-40 words and include contact information along with your original creative work.
  5. The file name should include the date (year and month) and the author’s name. For example, 2018_6_John Smith. This helps us keep the files organized. Do not label the files with our name; we know who we are.

All entries must be original works by the entrant, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters, or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification.  Excessive violence or sex and the use of profane, vulgar, racist or offensive words, determined by the judges, will result in the story being rejected.

Writers under the age of 18 can submit but will need to have our special form notarized by their guardian before we can publish the work or we can hold it until the writer is 18.  There is a notary at your local bank which is often free, and there is a notary on campus. There is a place on our website where you can request the form:  

After you create a Submittable account and submit your work, you will receive an email from us letting you know that you submitted successfully.  Once we pull your work to review it, you will receive another email letting you know of that your work is in progress.  Then you will receive a final email informing you of the disposition (accept/decline). If we have questions, we'll be in touch with you via email through Submittable.

We look forward to reading your work!  

Amy Fox-Angerer

The Heartland Review